Coffee Consumption in Europe

Europe is a large coffee market, accounting for around 30% of the global consumption. While consumption is expected to stabilise in the long term, Europe will remain an attractive market.  But it is also a saturated market, dominated by large producing countries Brazil and Vietnam. Together these countries account for half of Europe’s imports of…

A coffee cup

A coffee cup is a container that coffee and espresso-based drinks are served in. Coffee cups are typically made of glazed ceramic, and have a single handle for portability while the beverage is hot. Ceramic construction allows a beverage to be drunk while hot, providing insulation to the beverage, and quickly washed with cold water…

Coffee in Guatemala

Home to volcanoes, Mayan ruins, and lush rainforests, Guatemala is a Central American country rich with culture, history, and geography. And the country’s high-quality coffee market is an excellent example of all three. With a land area just under the size of Tennessee, Guatemala is home to around 16.6 million people and is the most…

Prepare a perfect cup of Espresso

To prepare a perfect cup of Espresso , we need to get the best from the roasted beans, and this basically depends on these parameters: Water temperature Water quality Amount of ground coffee Amount of espresso Extraction time Pressure force    

Italy Coffee Consumption

Italy Coffee Consumption Fourteen billion espresso coffees are consumed each year in Italy and Italians consume approximately 3.7 Kg of coffee per capita (Un Caffe, XI-XIII). It is estimated that over 270,364 people work as baristas, and over 57.5% of these baristas have 10 or more years of experience (Un Caffe, 7). The vast majority…

Coffee Varieties in Brazil

Brazil Coffee Brands are passionate about making the best Coffee. Brazil can be counted upon as one of the largest producers of coffee in the world today, controlling more than 30% of the international production. Brazil Coffee Companies are famous in the  world. The coffee plant, originally from Etiopia, was first brought to Brazil by…

La Storia del Caffe’

Il caffè (dall’arabo قهوة, qahwa, it. bevanda stimolante) è una bevanda ottenuta dalla macinazione dei semi di alcune specie di piccoli alberi tropicali appartenenti al genere Coffea, parte della famiglia botanica delle Rubiacee, un gruppo di angiosperme che comprende oltre 600 generi e 13.500 specie. Sebbene all’interno del genere Coffea siano identificate e descritte oltre…


Le miscele per il caffè espresso sono macinate molto fini per agevolare la rapidità di estrazione tipica di questo sistema di preparazione, permettendo così all’acqua di catturare il massimo dell’aroma in pochi secondi.   La miscela a macinatura media è la più adatta alla moka, mentre il caffè all’americana, preparato con le caffettiere a filtro…

Blends from Cupvia

Designed to suit the taste of connoisseurs, we roast a variety of  classic blends. The fruity aroma is slightly acidic of washed Arabica from Central and South America. The right degree of density of the precious Indian Robusta, for a velvety cream and superior quality and distinctive taste.  Organic single origin coffees can range from bright, acidic…

A coffee cup

A coffee cup is a container that coffee and espresso-based drinks are served in. Coffee cups are typically made of glazed ceramic, and have a single handle for portability while the beverage is hot. Ceramic construction allows a beverage to be drunk while hot, providing insulation to the beverage, and quickly washed with cold water…

GRADI DI TOSTATURA (Roasting Levels)

TOSTATURA CHIARA: per un caffè più delicato. Con la tostatura chiara si esaltano gli aromi floreali e fruttati, conferendo una punta acidula alla miscela.I caffè poco tostati contengono un maggior contenuto di caffeina, molecola che tende a disgregarsi ed evaporare se sottoposta a temperature elevate. TOSTATURA SCURA: per un caffe’ deciso. Per un espresso molto corposo…